Translated By DeepL

Rooted in level music such as punk and reggae, as well as old and good Japanese culture. The exhibition of works that repeat destruction and rebirth will be accompanied by a talk event.

From the analog, twiggy visuals that he creates using stencils, drawings, and collage, one cannot help but notice the influence of level music, such as punk and reggae, at first glance,Shuhei Tanaka a.k.a Rebelman★ArmyThe intense worldview of the .

In addition to music, he is also strongly influenced by ukiyoe, Japanese high-contrast black-and-white photography of the 1960s and 1970s, and design drawings.

Shuhei Tanaka (Rebelman★Army)
Born in Toyama in 1977, still lives in Toyama. started making T-shirts with stencils in 2002, selling them at festivals and events all over Japan, and appearing as a live painter many times. Solo exhibitions have been held in galleries and restaurants in the Tokai, Hokuriku, Kanto, and Kansai regions. In 2017 and 2019, his works won prizes at the STENCIL ART PRIZE in Sydney, Australia. Not bound by fixed techniques or concepts, his work absorbs the history, culture and sources of all genres. Is it a process of evolution , or is it eternally unfinished? Is it coming, or is it already here? . He continues to expand his thought space, seeking stimulation.

Shuhei Tanaka a.k.a Rebelman★Army will hold an exhibition in Tokyo for the first time since February 2023, at the "Rebelman★Army" exhibition space in the "Rebelman★Army" building at the "Rebelman★Army" building in Tokyo, Japan.JULLY TREE. will be held on Friday, March 15 at the

JULLY TREE is a gallery and free space located at the intersection of Shinsen, Matsumizaka, and Aobadai, about a 7-minute walk from Shinsen Station. The store's logo was created by the great musician and artist Shintaro Sakamoto .

The title of this exhibition, ""THOUGHT PROVOKING"-think outside the box," was inspired by the legendary photography coterie magazine "PROVOKE" published by Takuma Nakahira and Daido Moriyama in the 1960s, The title of this exhibition, "THOUGHT PROVOKING: think outside the box," was inspired by the legendary photo journal "PROVOKE," which was published by the legendary photographers' magazine "PROVOKE" and was named after it.

Alternative extracted elements will be combined and overlapped, painted, pasted, and scraped off, and works of art will be exhibited that repeatedly destroy and regenerate, as well as a stencil painting workshop on Sunday & Monday (*pay + bring your own clothes).

In addition, on Saturday, March 23Mr. Takeji "CHABE" MatsudaA talk event with the "Mere Old Man" will also be held, with the admission fee, time, and application procedures to be announced at a later date. Please check social networking sites for the latest information.

As the title of the exhibition indicates, it is sure to be a super exciting 14 days. Experience the world of Shuhei Tanaka a.k.a Rebelman★Army in a real space, and burn it into your brain.



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Shuhei Tanaka a.k.a Rebelman★Army Solo Exhibition "THOUGHT PROVOKING"~think outside the box
Period : Friday, March 15, 2024 - Friday, March 29, 2024
Address : Royal Stage 01-1A, 4-7-27 Aobadai, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
OPEN : 13:00 / CLOSE : 18:00
Closed: Tuesday
Admission : Free
*Openings are irregular. For inquiries regarding business days, please contact JULY TREE via official Instagram and Twitter.

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