Translated By DeepL

The exhibition will open soon! Here is a list of the most notable items at the Fashion Products Exhibition in MIYASHITA PARK.

3月16日(土)〜20日(水・祝)にかけて開催する、「フイナム」がディレクションする物販イベント「ファッション物産展 in MIYASHITA PARK」。詳細はthis way (direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker)からチェックしてもらいつつ、ここでは各ショップの目玉商品をずらっとご紹介します。

First half: Mar 16 ( Sat ) - Mar 18( Mon )]

CopyArt Collective( Osaka)
The name of the store has a free meaning originating from sampling culture, and it is a vintage select store that handles vintage clothing, furniture, lamps, and miscellaneous goods bought both domestically and internationally, regardless of genre. The shop is not bound by existing values, but rather arranges what they think is good for their own taste and quality, and has fans all over Japan.

新年度を前に部屋を見直したいと思っている方は、「CopyArt Collective」をマストチェックで。小物の収納に便利なトレイや灰皿、種類豊富な花瓶など、部屋にあったら気分が上がる雑貨が揃っています。

N&N STORE( Hyogo )
HOUYHNHNM's well-known "NEAT" designer Daishi Nishino opened this shop on his hometown Awaji Island in July last year. The store offers not only "NEAT" pants, but also selected vintage clothing and original items only available at this store. Unlike "NEAT House" in Tokyo, the lineup is more genre-less and reflects Mr. Nishino's tastes and preferences.

「N&N STORE」が今回のイベントのために集めたのは、自転車用のレインウェア。自転車乗りにはもちろん、そうではないひとはアノラック感覚で、という新しい着こなしの提案です。カラーもさまざまだから、ぜひ店頭でお気に入りを探してみてください。アメリカ製の古着ボディにプリントを施したスエットも要注目です。

This select store in Ueda, Nagano, run by stylist Hiroshi Ozawa is characterized by its unique concept of "three-dimensional magazine. The dead stock of brands and select stores is interpreted as "live stock. The shop offers "editorial( editorial)" and "story( story)" by infusing new value into clothes that have been lying dormant from a stylist's unique perspective, such as by adding Ozawa's own text to tags and styling suggestions.

フレンチワークを代表する〈ル ラブルール(LE LABOUREUR)〉。今回、「EDISTORIAL STORE」が編集するのは、そのワークジャケットです。誰もが一度は見たことのあるブルーのモールスキンのボディには、オランダはアムステルダムのブランド〈トリビュート(Tribute-To)〉がオールハンドメイドで刺繍を施しました。


MIN-NANO( Tokyo )
Opened in Ikenoue in 2009, it is now one of the leading stores in Tokyo. The store's owner, Mr. GORO, who has a deep knowledge of culture, is very selective in his selection of small overseas brands and up-and-coming brands. The shop also attracts attention for its regular collaborations, most recently with "DOVER STREET MARKET GINZA," "TEMBEA," and bicycle manufacturer "FUJI," which have caused a stir.

「MIN-NANO」は絶賛仕込み中とのことでアイテム画像を紹介できないのですが、店主のGOROさん監修の〈フルーツオブザルーム(Fruit of the Loom)〉のボディを使った新作のTシャツ2型が、ここでお披露目されます。さらに、定番のオリジナルリフレクターが2色、ステッカーなどの小物もラインナップ。場合によっては、普段「MIN-NANO」で展開しているアイテムも販売するかも? とのことなので、ぜひ会場にチェックしに来てください。 Tokyo)
The women's select label with a store in Yutenji was launched in 2021 by director Monet, graphic designer Mariko, and product planner Lei. The label carries high-quality dead stock and up-and-coming brands from Japan and abroad, and has recently been expanding its activities as a new source of information in Tokyo by collaborating with "DAIRIKU" to produce eyewear and original items unique to the store.




Second half: 3/19( Tue ) - 3/20( Wed, holiday )

WAKE.( Hokkaido )
After opening in 2019, the store quickly became popular and is now one of the leading select stores in Sapporo. The store sells almost exclusively in-store because of the desire to value the customers who visit the store. Customers come from all over the country and often form long lines at the storefront on the day the hottest items go on sale. In addition to the current selections, there is no shortage of original items, collaborative items, and other topics of conversation.



先日フイナムでもspecial feature articleを公開した、〈ビームス〉メンズカジュアル部門のバイヤー新井伸吾さんが手がける〈セットイン(Setinn)〉。テニスの要素を取り入れたアイテムを展開するこのブランドが、「WAKE.」のためにビッグトートを制作。ネイビーロゴが際立つシンプルなバッグは、出勤や小旅行などいろんなシーンで活躍してくれそう。


IMA:ZINE( Osaka )
The concept of this select store, established by Atsuto Tani and other key figures in the Kansai fashion scene, is a "magazine-like clothing store" that sparks the imagination. The concept of the shop is to be a "magazine-like clothing store" that sparks the imagination. Without being influenced by trends, the shop proposes new values by intersecting various genres such as street, American casual, and classic. The store also actively engages in special orders and collaborations that are unique to the store, and has many fans.

スタンダードでありながらも、ファッションの楽しさを追求する〈ORIGINAL MADE by IMA:ZINE〉のTOYシリーズ。その新型スエットを筆頭に、〈ボクラタノシイ(BOKU RA TANOSII)〉などの数々のエディトリアルプロジェクト、〈クレッシオーニ(Crescioni)〉〈マシューレディーオブジェクト(Matthew Ready Objects)〉といったLAクラフトレザーの別注などなど、「IMA:ZINE」の視点で編集された品々が並びます。

SQUASH ( Fukuoka )
A select store with two stores in Daimyo and Imaizumi, Fukuoka. While focusing mainly on clothing, the shop also features a lineup of zines and mix co. with a hint of street culture. The shop also regularly holds exhibitions of works by artists. This time, the shop plans to sell mainly items that incorporate the works of graffiti writers.



Sanso Iijima ( Tokyo )
This select store is located at the end of the Suzuran-dori shopping street in Kyodo, Tokyo. The shop offers a full lineup of high-spec items that are fashionable enough to be worn in everyday life, but also useful for hiking in low mountains and in full-scale outdoor activities. The items are functional and make everyday life more comfortable, and are worth a look even if you are not an outdoor enthusiast or mountain climber.

「山荘飯島」といえば山でも着られるデイリーウェアが真骨頂ですが、今回注目したいのは〈オーエヌシーメリノ(ONC MERINO)〉のボーダーTです。上質なメリノウールだけを使用した長袖Tシャツを展開するブランドで、実際にモノを見られるのは貴重な機会。野暮ったくならず、ストリートの香りさえする1枚は、着て初めてその真価が分かるはず。


Skool( Tokyo)
The store, quietly located in Komazawa, offers a wide range of items, not limited to fashion, including new selected items, vintage clothing purchased in a unique context, artwork, tableware, vegetables, and more. The store also has an interesting genre-less perspective that is not bound by time period or country, and all of the items are relaxed and witty. The brand is also active in special orders, with "NOWHOW" and "crépuscule" being prime examples.

3つの別注を引っ提げてやってくるのは「スクール」。ひとつめの〈テンダー コー(TENDER Co.)〉とつくったシャツは、フロントにあしらわれたヨークがポイント。デザインにアクセントを添えながら、ポケットにもなる機能的なディテールで、シワ感のある生地と相まって、ワークウェアのような雰囲気が漂います。草木染めによる鮮やかピンクのコチニールと優しい緑のクロロフィルの2色展開。



ご覧の通り、このイベントでお披露目されるものや、ここでしか買えないものが目白押し。ショップによっては紹介したアイテム以外も店頭には並んでいるので、どうぞご期待ください。渋谷の「MIYASHITA PARK」で、みなさんのご来場をお待ちしています!


Fashion Products Exhibition in MIYASHITA PARK

Dates: March 16, ( Sat, ) - March 20, ( Wed, holiday, )
Place: MIYASHITA PARK South2F atrium plaza
Address: 6-20-10 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Hours: 11:00 - 21:00
*3/18( Mon. ) and 3/20( Wed. and holidays ) will be from 11:00 to 19:00.
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