Translated By DeepL

To the one who gives as much as he is given. A new stage of Diaspora Skateboards for the younger generation.

For HOUYHNHNM's readers over the age of 30, you have (probably) seen this prestigious Italian sports brand at least once.LOTTOThe "Lotto" logo may remind many of the uniforms of Juventus, the Serie A team that won the Scudetto four times in five years in the early 2000s and established a golden era. The company that collaborated with Lotto to release these game shirts is Tokyo-basedDiaspora SkateboardsThe collaboration was also celebrated with an event titled "Coppa Diaspora". To commemorate the collaboration, an event titled "Coppa Diaspora" was also held. In keeping with the skate brand, a mini-ramp was set up and music by a rapper and DJ with whom the brand has a close relationship was used to further express the world view of the event. We talked with the founder about the collaboration, the event, and the current "Diaspora Skate Boze".Banri KobayashiA few days after the event, I went to hear the words of two fresh skaters who will lead the next generation. Diaspora Skateboards" has been and will continue to push for expression in various forms.

Photo_Teppei Hori, Azusa Nigo
Text_Yusuke Suzuki


Diaspora Skateboards

The group started its activities in 2010 with members who live locally in Nagano Prefecture. In 2010, they released the full-length video "SYMBIOSIS," and in November 2022, they will open their first flagship store, "SYMBIOSIS.PURRBSis now open in Komazawa, and is a new source of brand + α that cannot be overlooked.


Banri Kobayashi

Founder, filmer and video director of Diaspora Skateboards, Inc.ISSUGI, ,JJJ, ,KID FRESINO, ,LIBROHe has worked on music videos for numerous rappers, including Recently, he has been working with rappers such asin-dIn his private life, he is the father of two children.

With foreign soccer 20 years ago,
The figure of an international skater.

-Have you released soccer shirts inline in the past, and do you (the members) all like soccer?

Banri Kobayashi(Kobayashi):Yuya.(member/designer of Diaspora Skateboards), and alsohawking(*A 21-year-old skater and member of Diaspora Skateboards). When I was in elementary school, I used to play in what is called a soccer team.

The J-League started when we were in kindergarten, and it was already the golden age of Verdy. At that time, everyone was playing soccer.

-That's right, that's the generation.

Lotto Scudetto Shirt ¥24,200

KobayashiI also like to watch. I stretch while checking the results of games on the late-night sports news, and I watch digests on YouTube.

-Ah, I understand that very well.

KobayashiI'm sure you've heard of soccer shirts in the past.CHOCOLATE SKATEBOARDS〉〉.Gino Iannucci.He is still skating hard. He is still skating hard, but he was wearing a soccer shirt and NIKE trainers.

It was really cool, and when I was in high school, I was like, "It's okay to skate around in a soccer shirt.

Gino Iannucci is a skater from Long Island, New York. He is currently led by Jason Dill.Fucking AwesomeHe is a member of the "K" group.

-What soccer shirts were you wearing that were influenced by Gino Iannucci?

KobayashiI was choosing by design. I didn't look at specific teams or leagues. If someone said to me, "That's the uniform of the team with the number 0," I would feel a little awkward, because I didn't have that much of an attachment to the team....

-I have never heard of such a pattern before. I've never heard of such a pattern before. People in the hardcore and Oi!

KobayashiI was wearing something like a Brazilian national team training shirt that I bought at a sports mass merchandiser at the time. At the time, I was wearing a Brazilian national team training shirt that I bought at a sports mass merchandiser.

-And it's not in Europe, it's in South America, Brazil.

KobayashiAlso, soccer shirts are simply functional. That's one of the reasons why I wear soccer shirts in the summer (when skateboarding).

-When you were in high school, what was soccer like back then?

KobayashiIt was: the heyday of Celia A. There was a soccer show on Fuji TV at night with John Kabila.

I liked the dervits at Juventus at the time. Those goggles and dreads looked so cool. I liked the name too (laughs).

-I miss it (laughs). It was the era of Nedved and Del Piero.

KobayashiIn Japan, there is Shinji Ono and Daisuke Matsui.

-That's the soft, technical type there, isn't it?

KobayashiI liked: I liked it. I liked to watch things like super play scenes.

Now I'm watching old videos of Roberto Carlos with all his crazy fast shots (laughs).

-I'm a fan of the "Diaspora Skateboads" video, and when it comes up in recommendations on YouTube, I watch it (laughs). Also, as people who are good friends with "Diaspora Skateboards," I would like to mention JJJ, who performed at this event, andSPARTAMr. also has an image of a soccer shirt.

KobayashiI think J (JJJ) used to wear it in the past, and SPARTA wears white and green Celtic in music videos.

-I have an image of "Diaspora Skateboads" as a soccer shirt. Maybe I'm just uninformed, but I don't have that image of other skate brands.

In your collaboration with Lotto this time, you also reproduced the flocky prints of the time, and you are particular about the maniacal details, aren't you?

KobayashiI think that's totally Yuya's thing. When we say "Lotto," it means Juventus in our minds.

-Did you and Yuya design this collaboration together, Mr. Kobayashi and Mr. Yuya?

KobayashiNo, I left the design work to Yuya. I was involved in the initial planning and production of the video and events.

Depends on the skater,
In a form for skaters.

-How did you come to collaborate with Lotto in the first place?

Kobayashi:MIDNIGHTMEAL RECORDS(DJ WHITE GHOST of MEDULLA (a music label centered on the HIP HOP crew MEDULLA) is very knowledgeable about the skate scene in Europe. When he visited our previous exhibition, he said to me, "I think you might like 'Lotto'. He said to me in a whispered voice, "I think you should try 'Lotto'.

I thought it would be great if we could work together with a brand that is not yet well-known to the younger generation, even though everyone in our generation is familiar with "Lotto.

-Did Diaspora Skateboards make an offer to Lotto for this collaboration?

KobayashiYes, I think so.

-It is a bit surprising, since I have an image that manufacturers often make offers to brands.

Kobayashi: Find the contact information from the press release or something like that.

-When was that?

KobayashiI think it was around June or July last year.

-So it has been a little over half a year. The fact that you mentioned earlier that you are not working with anyone yet has both a positive aspect of being fresh and a negative aspect of being unrecognized.

KobayashiI think it's very important for a skate brand to do it before anyone else. But I think it is very important for a skate brand to do it before anyone else.

Even if they don't understand you at the time, later they will say, "I was already ahead of you at that time.

-It's pure and innocent skater-ness.

KobayashiI was told by the experts around me this time, "It's really cool. Young people also said, "I don't know it, but it's kind of cool.

That feeling may be a bit exaggerated, but I think we are creating a new sense of value.

-I think it is too graceful to completely narrow down the lineup to only soccer shirts this time.

KobayashiI was like: I'm just going to wear my game shirt from the beginning.

-From the initial planning stage, did you talk about doing the event together?

KobayashiIt didn't start from the beginning, but the people at "Lotto" and I felt like, "If we have to do something, we'd like to do something.

Event flyer for "COPPA DIASPORA" on Friday, March 22

-The event was not just a party with a DJ, as is often the case, but an event for skaters. The fact that admission was free by drawing lots was also a plus.

KobayashiI wanted to make skaters the main attraction. In the past, we had invited DJs for receptions, but this time, we wanted to go to a new phase.

So this time, I wanted to include a mini-ramp and make it a skater-oriented event. I asked one of my old local seniors to bring the mini ramp from Nagano.

moriura (DRINK&MOOD mou))




-When it comes to installing mini-lamps, the problem of location is a tough one. It could be the height of the ceiling or the route to carry them in and out. who is easily compelled into giving a woman gifts(*He is in charge of duo MUSIC EXCHANGE, the venue, and Spotify O-EAST, where the after-party was held. (*He was in charge of the venue, duo MUSIC EXCHANGE, and Spotify O-EAST, where the after-party was held.

We have been friends for a long time, and I have been to some of Daiki-kun's events, but surprisingly, this was the first time we worked together.


-I have nothing but peace of mind with Mr. Daiki.

KobayashiI also consulted with Daiki-kun about the booking, and he really helped me a lot because he has an amazing trustworthy relationship with the performers and the backstage staff.


-The lineup of skateboarding, soccer, and of course, being close to Diaspora Skateboards, really conveyed the idea of Mr. Kobayashi and Mr. Daikie. I feel that the two of them have strict manners, not because they are successful or because of their numbers, but because they take the liberty to do so.

KobayashiWe wanted to make it an event where there is a connection with people who are good friends, who are indebted to each other, or who live in the same hometown. Otherwise, if someone asked me why we had such a lineup, I would not be able to explain it.


-I get the impression that "Diaspora Skateboards" has always been a place that cares about place.

KobayashiI love the tense feeling of tension after skating on the streets, and I also love the other sense of togetherness that is created when everyone is released to drink and listen to good music together. It's also fun for me (laughs).

and influences from the surroundings,
A natural state born of experience.

I think it was three years ago, in 2021, when "SYMBIOSIS (*the first full-length video by Diaspora Skateboards)" was presented and previewed. Compared to those days, I thought that the number of guests at this event had increased to a very young generation. When did you notice the increase in the younger generation?

Diaspora Skateboards' first full-length video was released in March 2021. Previews took place in January 2021.

Kobayashi: I wonder when: ....... At the time of "SYMBIOSIS," I felt like it was someone my own age or a little younger, or someone I knew. Maybe that's exactly what (I realized) at this event. There was the opening of the store (*Perbs, which opened in Komazawa in November 2022), and the younger generation of Takarai and Yukito (members of Diaspora Skateboards and skaters living in Shizuoka) joined (Diaspora Skateboards).

-When you say that, do you mean that you intentionally moved in various ways with the idea of linking up more with young people, or do you mean that young people naturally followed you as you moved?

KobayashiI think it was the former. After the preview of "SYMBIOSIS," I couldn't imagine what we would do next, or rather, what we would do again with the same members to make a new work.

-What was the first thing you started doing when you thought about specifically targeting the younger generation?

KobayashiI think it's also about the store and bringing in young skaters as riders. But it is quite difficult to bring in new people. I have my own criteria, and the other members have their own criteria.

-Don't you ever talk about things like, "Isn't this young skater Fat Fatty cool? Don't the members talk about things like that?

Kobayashi: We don't say much to each other. ...... The hawkers are.sungta-(*Hakase's real name, a member of Diaspora Skateboards) suddenly sent me a video on Instagram. I thought, "This girl is good, so do something about it.

-It's a pain in the ass (laughs).

Kobayashi: (laughs). The timing was just at the end of the year, and they did our model.lacuna (anatomical cavity or depression)Takarai was also a friend of mine, and we were skiing together. Takarai was also a friend of mine, and we were skiing together. He brought me to the year-end party.

-I personally have the impression that the atmosphere of the look has changed a little after the "SYMBIOSIS" preview. Not only the fresh, young look, but also, perhaps because I know the members of "Diaspora Skateboards," I feel that I can now see their faces in the background.

KobayashiI have been listening to hard Hip Hop and other music, and I have been trying to force myself to create a hard, underground feel. I have been listening to hard Hip Hop, and I have been trying to force a hard, underground feel, partly because of my admiration for it, but I think that until now I have been a little forced to do so.

Of course, I still like hard hip-hop and the like, but the people who skate around us don't sell that kind of hard style, nor are they too hard. I think it's because of age and changes in the environment, but I think it has become very natural, however you put it. And Yuya, too.Mr. Cho.(*A member of Diaspora Skateboards and also a photographer) and Shunta are the same, I think.

-But we don't bother to mention it to each other.

KobayashiI feel that such sharing is somehow there even if we don't 100% put it into words. We have known each other for a long time (laughs).

-It's amazing how long they stay, even though it seems obvious.

KobayashiI think the reason why ISSUGI and SPARTA work together is not only because of the quality of each other's music, but also because we are both skaters. I feel that the fact that we are both skaters also has a root.

I think it's cool that ISSUGI-kun doesn't separate himself by clothes, taste, or style, and doesn't put up walls.

Not a fashion brand,
As a skate brand.

-What kind of moves do you want to make in the future as you present that you have entered a new phase, such as opening a store, setting up a mini ramp, and holding events in a new way?

KobayashiI really want more skaters to wear "Diaspora Skateboards" these days.

I would like to have people come to "Purves" not only because they want to wear "Diaspora Skateboards" clothes, but also for more sneakers, trucks, and wheels, and that kind of thing. I would also like to do exhibitions of people I know.

Address: 101 Someko Building, 2-16-1 Komazawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
Hours of operation: 12:00 - 20:00
Closed: Wednesday
tel: 03-6413-8729

-It is the flagship store of "Diaspora Skateboards," but it is not an only store.

KobayashiI was thinking of doing an only store when I first opened, but I thought it would be good to have a more miscellaneous feel, and I'd like to put mix CDs and other things in the store.

-That is also the flexibility you were talking about earlier.

KobayashiI think it's more like a skate store. When young people come to the store and say, "You must be Mr. Banri," I feel that they have seen what I have done so far, and I want to do many things.

-Are you the only two young riders in Diaspora Skateboards, Mr. Takarai and Mr. Yukito?

KobayashiThose two, plus the one who just started high school.quality of a sound (e.g. a fine phrase, clear voice, resonant bell)There are those who are "the three". The "COPPA DIASPORA" recorded in commemoration of this collaboration with "Lotto" features all three of them.

Hibiki used to come to our store often, and when I talked to him, he was very knowledgeable about music and such. Then I found out that Hibiki's father was someone I knew.

-Takarai and Yukito are only 21 years old. They have a lot to look forward to in the future.

KobayashiI have seen many good skaters who have quit the sport, and I don't want that to happen to them.

By the way, Hibiki was singing a big chorus at the J (JJJ) concert the other night (laughs).

-When you invite new members, do you consult with Yuya and Hakase?

KobayashiTakarai: We talked about it together, but Hibiki was my own choice. At first, I was like a rider for the store, but at the last Lotto event, Hibiki asked me, "Can I call myself a rider for Diaspora Skateboards? I said yes. I was happy about that, too.

-It's so good.

KobayashiHibiki appears first in the "LOT" video (*"COPPA DIASPORA"), and it was a good shot. Shunta was like, "Hibiki, that's totally fine." I usually don't give compliments to other people.

From now on, I hope that the three of them will move forward more and more, and that we will be able to support them.

-The last event at Lotto was just like that. Mr. Kobayashi and his team prepared the side, and the skaters and filmmakers inside were all of the younger generation.

KobayashiI think it's definitely better that way. If I or Yuya were to do everything, including clothing design, all the time, it would never amount to anything. I want the young people to learn many things, and I also want to tell them that there are other jobs around skateboarding.

But in the end, it doesn't matter if they are older or younger, cool people are cool.

-Mr. Kobayashi, when you have to build a store and pay salaries to young people, don't you often find yourself torn between creativity and business?

KobayashiI'm not too worried about the monthly payment, but so far I've been able to keep a good balance between the two. To be honest, I think it is absolutely necessary to make people who like "Diaspora Skateboards" happy, even if it is not like a hype brand that sells out instantly every day.

-In the next 5 to 10 years, Mr. Kobayashi and his colleagues will be in their prime working age, and it will be a time when we need to grow even more, while connecting our past activities to the next.

KobayashiI think it's important to have a good reputation among skaters in order to keep the brand going. However, my number one goal is not to make a lot of money, but to appeal more to skaters so that I can continue skating with my brand.

-What do you mean?

KobayashiI would like to release videos consistently and make skaters feel the impact of my work. I want to make skaters more happy when they see my moves.

In that sense, we need to do this with the help of young people. Diaspora Skateboards is not a fashion brand, but a skate brand.

-To be honest, skaters are peculiar in a good way, and even though it has become an Olympic sport, the business market is still small, or rather, there are many skaters who have no money.

KobayashiI hope that is why I want those girls to know me and wear my clothes. It has been more than 22 years since I met Shunta at the age of 13, and he has been skating ever since I met him.

I think there were times when (Shunta) thought I was wrong about my policy. But at the last event at Lotto, he was happy as far as I could tell. I put a mini-ramp in the center and thought that the skaters were the stars of the show. I can honestly say that skaters are the coolest.

You can check out the video from the day of the event on YouTube here, so whether you were able to visit the event or not, we hope you enjoy it.

Takarai and Yukito are the next generation.
The relationship between two skaters and the diaspora.

As mentioned in the interview with Banri Kobayashi, Takarai and Yukito are young skaters who will lead the next generation of "Diaspora Skateboads. How did they learn about Diaspora Skateboads, how did they become linked to it, and how did it lead them to where they are today? Please enjoy the past and future of "Diaspora Skateboads" through this short interview with the two skaters.


Takarai Sato

A Tokyo-born skater, he is now also a store staff member at Purves. His daily routine is to go to work at Purves, have dinner with his fellow skaters after work, go out to the city, and skate on the streets until the last train. After the last train, he pushes his way home.


Yukito Aoki

Born in Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture, and still living in his hometown, he represented Japan at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games in 2021 at the age of 17. He has become a rider for Diaspora Skateboards, and is also into the charms of the street. He is one of the world's favorite professional skaters.

Takarai Sato

Yukito Aoki

With the music of the rapper of your dreams,
Go for the full part.

-When and at what point did you two first become aware of Diaspora Skateboards?

brave warriorMy father was a dancer and I was influenced by my seniors, so I liked music. When I was watching music videos of Fla$hBackS and others, the logo (the circle logo of Diaspora Skateboards) would appear at the end. I wondered "what is this logo?" and looked it up. So I looked it up.

hawkingI'm not a "MOTARI used to go to "Mortal" with my friends. Hakase was still working at "Mortal" at that time, and I got to know him through a natural progression.

-How long ago was that?

hawking: When was that? Probably about 4-5 years ago.

brave warriorI think it was about 3 years ago.

YUKITO-san, have you always lived in Shizuoka, and Takarai-san in Tokyo?

brave warriorYes, it is in a place called Shimizu in Shizuoka.

hawkingThe area is around Shibuya and Shinjuku all the time.

-YUKITO, when did you first get involved with apparel after you found out that the Circle logo was "Diaspora Skateboards"?

brave warriorI'm sure you already know about it. I was told by my hometown that "Story (SOTRY)There was a store called "Diaspora Skateboards. I went there when I found out they carried Diaspora Skateboards.

-Do you remember what you bought first?

brave warriorI bought a T-shirt. I think it was the light blue one with the circle logo.

-How did you meet Hakase at "Mortal" and how did you get linked with "Diaspora Skateboards" after that?

hawkingI had no idea who was doing it (Diaspora Skateboards) even after I got acquainted with Hakase. I thought it was just Hakase who was doing it.

At that time, there was a flea market event at Mortal. Diaspora Skateboards was there, and I asked Mr. Banri, "How much is this T-shirt? I asked Mr. Banri "How much is this T-shirt? He said, "I'll give you 1 yen" (laughs).

-That's very kind of you (laughs).

hawkingI'm modeling for Diaspora Skateboards.lacuna (anatomical cavity or depression)I have a friend who is a member of the "Mari-san" group, and he invited me to a year-end party with Rak, and that was the first time I had a good talk with him (Mari-san).

originallyT19(*now deceased)Mr. Hiroshi Otaki(Tokyo's leading skating team led by Mr. Otaki), and I used to go to the "SkateboardingEAZEI used to go to the "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. So before.Mr. Yoppi (*Mr. Yoshifumi Egawa)I got it from [Joon].Ombre Nino (Hombre Nino)He was wearing a T-shirt with the "I'm a fan of your work" logo on it, and he seemed to have seen it and remembered me.

-It is interesting that at the age of 21, you were connected with the T19 members before they were. How did you link up with the members of Diaspora Skateboards, given the physical distance between you and them in Shimizu?

brave warrior〈〈.DC SHOESThere was an event called "TEPPEN" at the "TEPPEN" (Tokyo International Fashion Week), and Mr. Banri came to the event. It seemed to be the time for a collaboration between [D.C. Shoes] and [Diaspora Skateboards], so I got to see some samples.

-I see. So when will you two become riders for Diaspora Skateboards?

brave warriorI like to be one-sided. If there is an event, I go along with the event, and if I can move with the event, I move along with the event. That is exactly how I feel about events in Matsumoto (*Hakase, who returned to his hometown of Matsumoto, opened theCANOLA SKATESHOP(the anniversary event of the "Mazda") was also held.

hawkingI was invited to a year-end party and was told to come visit the office, so I started going there right after that. That's how it all started.

-Do you and Takarai and Yukito usually communicate with each other?

brave warriorI think we usually don't have anything in particular.

hawkingI think Yuto is busy going overseas and so on.

-What do you both want to do as riders of Diaspora Skateboards from now on?

brave warriorI would like to go to various places and make skate videos that look good.

hawkingI want to skate well first.

-What kind of music would each of you like to include in your part?

brave warrior: I've always loved FEBB in Fla$hBackS, so FEBB it is.

hawkingI would like to ask Mr. SPARTA to do it, as it was used in "COPPA DIASPORA".


Diaspora Skateboards

Official Website

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