Translated By DeepL

The Chase, a beautiful modern combat uniform . It is a triumvirate of ability: good to look at, good to wear, and good to put on.

I often hear phrases like, "It's not what you say, but who says it." While I think that is true, I also wonder about it.

. In the fashion world, too, "not what is made, but who makes it" tends to be seen as important.

However, the brand CHASSE, whose designer remains undisclosed, is a talented brand that is steadily expanding its following with each passing season.

The theme for this season is "Episode 0 (Episode Zero). . As the name implies, the theme expresses the feeling of starting anew from this point onward.

One of the features of "Chase" is its pursuit of how beautifully items made of synthetic fibers, which tend to be casual, can be expressed.

This collection is no less particular in that regard.

. A sexy synthetic fiber item, for example, can dramatically change its expression with just a few actions, such as "squeeze the cord" or "open the zip".

While keeping functional aspects such as quick-drying, waterproof, windproof, and anti-static as a matter of course, the drop-off point is fashion. It is not about gear or tools.

I believe that the "Chase" brand is a brand of combat wear that allows people to live comfortably, beautifully, and elegantly in the modern age.

Also, the visuals of the looks are great every season. They are dignified.



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