Translated By DeepL

A place of relaxation for men and women of all ages . The Asahikawa public bathhouse loved by the community will finally be revived.

Kikuno-yu, a public bathhouse in Asahikawa, Hokkaido, which boasts a 59-year history and has long provided a healing space for local residents, closed its doors in March 2023. After a year and a half, Kikuno-yu, which had been loved by people of all ages and genders, is finally coming back to life.

The strong desire of the previous owner was echoed by FROCLUB, a Kyoto-based organization that promotes sento culture, and Asahi Sauna, a team of sauna enthusiasts named after the local area. Kikunoyu, which is making a new start as a joint venture between these two groups, is said to have taken great care to create a more comfortable space than ever before in every part of the building.

In this issue, we will take an early look at Kikunoyu, which will reopen on September 9 (Mon.). The three keywords of the new facility are "local community," "daily healing," and "health promotion.

The bathtub, which proudly uses underground water, has been transformed into a clean bathhouse by installing a new calanter and mirror and polishing the tiles, without significantly changing its conventional shape.

The large painting on the wall of the men's bath is a reminder to "enjoy the bathtub," and looking at it will make you forget the time and take a long bath. Please enjoy the bath to the extent that you don't get overtired.

The sauna has also been renewed. The latest sauna machine made by HARVIA has been installed, allowing guests to enjoy a Finnish-style sauna to the fullest.

After bathing, take a break in the spacious lobby. The entrance is decorated with hand-painted illustrations by artist Tim Kojima , adding to the blissful atmosphere.

In addition, records are played, and food and drinks are available. The bathhouse provides a warm and welcoming space where people can naturally strike up a conversation even with those they have just met for the first time.

. Finally, we pick up some special merchandise produced for fans who have been eagerly awaiting the revival of the show.

Taking advantage of the knowledge of "Flo Club," which has been involved in a wide variety of projects in the past, a number of original goods and collaborative items with KEBOZ, a brand with roots in Asahikawa, will be available.

Not only can visitors enjoy public baths and saunas, but also a variety of other contents that will make them want to return again and again.

If you are wondering where to go next, why not consider Hokkaido as an option?


Chrysanthemum bath

Address: 14-2-17, Kagura 5jo, Asahikawa-shi, Hokkaido
Hours: 14:00 - 24:00
Fee: Bathing fee ¥490 / Sauna fee ¥200