Translated By DeepL

Masterpiece. The Petrols' cover album sequel "WWW? is now available.

www? _+

. cover albums" often reek of commercialism. As a fan, I am happy to see a new aspect of a masterpiece, but at the same time, I sometimes have mixed feelings. . Here are a few works that will blow all your worries away.


This March, an album of Petrols covers, "WHERE, WHO, WHAT IS PETROLZ?" was released.

Eleven artists will reimagine the songs of the Petrols, including ORIGINAL LOVE, Suchmos, KID FRESINO + STUTS, Seiho, SOIL&"PIMP "SESSIONS, never young R'N'R by Rei and NAOKI (LOVE PSYCHEDELICO) + ROY (THE BAWDIES). The lineup is quite extraordinary. The arrangements are bold, but that paradoxically proves the perfection of the Petrols, the depth of their colors as a band, and the strength of their music. You'll be surprised from the very first song, really . Give it a listen.

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The new sequel to "WHERE, WHO, WHAT IS PETROLZ?" is now available as a distribution EP. The name of the EP is "WWW? and it is called "WWW? The participating artists this time are four artists at the forefront of the music scene: Odori Foot Works, "MONO NO AWARE," Yoshiho Nakamura, and Rofu. This is an attempt to convey and spread the wealth of music in a correct manner. The album will be distributed from August 9 (Wed.). Please check it out.

Incidentally, the cover photo for "WHERE, WHO, WHAT IS PETROLZ?" is HOUYHNHNM'sspecial feature article. which was filmed at the Please take a look at them as well.

Text_Taiyo Nagashima

Start of distribution: August 9 (Wed.)
1. dance Foot Works "Talassa
2. mono no aware "insider
3. nakamura kaho, "the intruder
4. rohu "who?"
iTunes Store
Recochoku (Japanese Language Dictionary, published by Recochoku)
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special site

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